
Human Facts

Can you feel the pulse in your wrist? For humans the normal pulse is 70 heartbeats per minute. Elephants have a slower pulse of 27 and for a canary it is 1000!

If all the blood vessels in your body were laid end to end, they would reach about 60,000 miles.

Abraham Lincoln probably had a medical condition called Marfans syndrome. Some of its symptoms
are extremely long bones, curved spine, an arm span that is longer than the persons height, eye problems, heart problems and very little fat. It is a rare, inherited condition.

In one day your heart beats 100,000 times.

Half your body’s red blood cells are replaced every seven days.

By the time you are 70 you will have easily drunk over 12,000 gallons of water.

Coughing can cause air to move through your windpipe faster than the speed of sound – over a thousand feet per second!

Germs only cause disease, right? But a common bacterium, E. Coli, found in the intestine helps us digest green vegetables and beans (also making gases – pew!). These same bacteria also make vitamin K, which causes blood to clot. If we didn’t have these germs we would bleed to death whenever we got a small cut!

It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile.

That dust on rugs and your furniture is not only dirt. It’s mostly made of dead skin cells. Everybody
loses millions of skin cells every day which fall on the floor and get kicked up to land on all the
surfaces in a room. You could say, “That’s me all over.”

It takes food seven seconds to go from the mouth to the stomach via the esophagus.

A human’s small intestine is 6 meters long.
The human body is 75% water.

Your blood takes a very long trip through your body. If you could stretch out all of a human’s blood vessels, they would be about 60,000 miles long. That’s enough to go around the world twice.

The strongest bone in your body is the femur (thighbone), and it’s hollow!

The width of your armspan stretched out is the length of your whole body.

The average human dream lasts only 2 to 3 seconds.
The average American over fifty will have spent 5 years waiting in lines.
The farthest you can see with the naked eye is 2.4 million light years away! (140,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles.) That’s the distance to the giant Andromeda Galaxy. You can see it easily as a dim, large gray “cloud” almost directly overhead in a clear night sky.

The average person has at least seven dreams a night.

Your brain is move active and thinks more at night than during the day.

Your brain is 80% water.
85% of the population can curl their tongue into a tube.
Your tongue has 3,000 taste buds.
Your forearm (from inside of elbow to inside of wrist) is the same length as your foot.

A sneeze travels at over 100 miles per hour. Gesundheit!

Your thigh bone is stronger than concrete.

Your fingernails grow almost four times as fast as your toenails.

You blink your eyes over 10,000,000 a year.

There were about 300 bones in your body when you were born, but by the time you reach adulthood
you only have 206.

The smallest bones in the human body are in your ear!

Facts About Language

The language of a society changes slowly but steadily with the result that an educated person will not be able to read or understand words in his language written 500 years ago.

Do you feel like you can’t talk to your parents? Maybe it’s because you belong to the Niger-Congo family. More than 1,400 languages are spoken by different members of this family from Africa.

It has been estimated that the number of actively spoken languages in the world today is about 6,000.

There is no word that rhymes with orange.

Pinocchio is Italian for “pine head.”

The most common letters in English are R S T L N E.

There is no word that rhymes with purple.

There was only one code during World War II that was never broken by the enemy and was used by
the US Army. Navajo soldiers, called Codetalkers, developed a radio code based on their native language. It was the only way US soldiers on the battlefield could be sure that messages were from there own side and not from Japanese imitators.

Did you know that the word “typewriter” is the longest word in the English Language that can be spelled with the the top of the keyboard?

You speak about 4,800 words a day.


The holiday Boxing day was originally celebrated in England,for the servants to the rich people.

After Christmas, the servants “boxed up” all the left-overs from the rich people and bring them home.

A palindrome is a word that is spelled the same way from both ends.

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